Saturday, November 8, 2008

Technology reflections...

Well, this one should be easy. As a graduate student in an information science program, I am constantly inundated with literature and discussions of everything and anything that is technology-related. One aspect of the whole Web 2.0 arena that I really enjoy is the concept of social networking. Personally, I love my MySpace page. It not only allows me to keep up on my favorite bands and musicians and find out when they will be touring, but it also helps me to keep in touch with my friends throughout the country that I could not afford to speak with on the phone or that I would frankly not have the time to talk with if it weren't for my social networking site.

Now, there are a lot of library folks out there who might disagree with me. Many people feel that these types of sites are a waste of time and do not see the benefits for libraries. I disagree. Let's look at teenagers for example, as a public library user group. We all know that teenagers are using sites such as MySpace or Facebook in large numbers so what better way to reach out to this often underserved and overlooked group than by reaching them where they're at??

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