Saturday, November 8, 2008

7 1/2 Habits....

So, after viewing the video about lifelong learners and reflecting upon my experiences, here are a few thoughts:

1. The hardest part for me about lifelong learning is changing how I look at problems and seeing them as challenges. I'm sure many of you can agree. It's sort of like the glass half-full vs. half-empty saying. I can say that I am definitely trying to be more positive but it is definitely an everyday challenge for me.

2. The easiest part for me is accepting responsibility for my own lifelong learning. I think evidence #1 is that I went back to graduate school after being out of school for 7 years. Nobody made me do it. It was just something that I always knew I would do because I feel that it is never too late for learning. In fact, I fully believe that I would be absolutely bored with life if I weren't not always in the process of trying to learn something new.

So, with that said....Viva life long learning!!

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